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2010 yılında kurulan İKSAD, Türkiye merkezli ve uluslararası düzeyde faaliyet gösteren genç ve dinamik bir organizasyondur.  Farklı disiplinlerden ve ülkelerden çok sayıda akademisyen, yazar, diplomat, bürokrat ve iş dünyası mensuplarından oluşan yapısı ile özellikle sosyal problem çözümü ve ekonomik gelişme gibi konular üzerine stratejiler belirleyen ve ilgili makamlara imkanlar ölçüsünde çözüm önerileri sunan organizasyonumuz pek çok alanda faaliyet göstermektedir. 

Uluslararası ilişkiler, sosyal ve çevresel performans, ekonomik kalkınma, endüstri ve sürdürülebilirlik temel çalışma alanlarımızı oluşturmaktadır. 

İyi eğitim almış seçkin bir insan kaynağına sahip olan İKSAD halen bir çok sosyal projenin yürütücülüğünü de yapmaktadır. Faaliyet çeşitliliğimiz sebebiyle sivil toplum kuruluşları, üniversiteler, kamu kurumları, özel sektör, yerel yönetimler gibi çok sayıda kurumla yakın ilişki ve iletişim içerisindeyiz.

As we share, we develop; as we develop, we share !

Our Mission

In the current globalized world, individuals, corporations and governments from across the globe are becoming more integrated than ever before and have the ability to exchange information faster and more efficiently; Thus, social and inter-cultural relations have become increasingly important in the 21st century. Researches and research findings are only as valuable as how well they can be put into practice to improve outcomes. Our international department’s work has long been recognized as a prime instrument to promote international links between countries and peoples, especially the economic development in low income communities; The Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches was founded with this aim in mind. Founded in 2010 in Turkey, the institute is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Turkey, Japan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

The major objectives of the İKSAD are to extend current research, programs and practices in the field of social and economic development and create a platform to promote and sustain inter-cultural dialogue at all levels.  The İKSAD actively encourages and supports researchers and academics as a prerequisite for development. In addition to promoting economic development and social interaction between varying stakeholders through its own initiatives, the İKSAD actively supporting the work that is already being done in this area by partnering and communicating with other actors in the field.

Our Mission

Our Values and Philosphy

Working in partnership with local and international academia, cultural organizations and government bodies we integrate rigorous but accessible scholarly study with the everyday lives of working adults and re-imagine scholarship for the 21st century.

With more than 1000 academic, research and professional members around the world, we work to advance knowledge and to inform policy in areas including gender, families, education, employment, migration, inequalities, health and child/adult wellbeing.

We Need Skilled Volunteers

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