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ENGLISHERS LLL International
International Journal of ENGLISHERS' Englishes (IJEE)

IJEE, a journal of ENGLISHERS LLL International, is solely dedicated to printing original research articles that comply with three Es-Eminence, Excellence and Exuberance. The name ENGLISHERS took its form to indicate the aficionados of English Language, Literature and Linguistics who strive in unison to create a kind of mystical charm in writing through their creativity, ingenuity and wisdom. What evolved as an ordinary idea to create a platform for researchers of English language, literature and linguistics to express their innovative ideas on the subject has now grown into a full-fledged International journal with people from different parts of the world contributing in large measure towards its furtherance, growth and smooth progression.  


  • To create an able platform for researchers in English Language, Literature and Linguistics.

  • To broaden the scope of the subject by bringing in as much innovation and creativity.

  • To work towards a common goal of empowering the academic community through quality research.



To exalt itself as an intercontinental hub of excellence among journal publications with full-fledged referenceable chronicles.


  1. To make available a distinguished publishing podium for researchers of English Language, Literature and Linguistics to express their innovative views and ideas on the subject.

  2. To provide the global language community of students, faculty and research scholars due recognition in being part of the knowledge community that aims to spread wisdom and progressive learning to others.

  3. To see that research papers and scholarly articles published in the journal reach the deserving as much easier and quicker as possible.

  4. To help promote avenues of research publications from socially, economically and culturally weakened sections of the society across the world.

  5. To bring in hassle free publication to guarantee timely sharing of knowledge.



The Editorial board of Englishers LLL invites submissions on contemporary and traditional periods of the English language. The journal serves as a premier resource for original linguistic research based on information drawn from the English language, incorporating a comprehensive academic and procedural scope.  LLL typically aims to bring out articles ranging from old, middle and modern coetaneous and historical studies to contemporary English grammar, corpus linguistics, and dialectology. Similar topics such as language contact, business and diplomatic language or stylistics, are also acceptable provided the articles focus on the English language with proximate reference to ELT, Literature and Linguistics. Articles to this journal at large range from ten to twenty-five pages in typescript. LLL reviews titles in general and historical semantics, language disparity, socio-linguistics, and etymology for its reach to international audience. Unsought reviews cannot be considered. Books for review and further queries regarding reviews should be communicated to the Editor.

Editorial Board


Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek

Patron in Chief

Chairman IKSAD

Call for Paper

The ENGLISHERS LLL a peer-reviewed International Journal is welcoming the submission of scholarly papers. 


The ENGLISHERS LLL International Journal mainly focuses on building an academic platform for professionals and researchers of English Language, Literature and Linguistics to share their innovative ideas and original works. 


The scopes of the international journal include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Globalization Studies and World Englishes

  • Cognitive Linguistics

  • Literary Linguistics

  • Psycholinguistics

  • Neurolinguistics

  • Sociolinguistics

  • Corpus/Computational Linguistics

  • Functional Linguistics

  • Clinical Linguistics

  • Semantics and Pragmatics

  • Linguistic Anthropology/Ethnography

  • Language Ideology

  • Culture, Identity and Language

  • Gender Studies in Linguistics

  • Second and Foreign Language Acquisition

  • Technology and Language Education

  • Trends in Language Teaching Methodology

  • Discourse Analysis

  • Bilingual education

  • Language Policy and Planning

  • English for Specific Purposes

  • English for Academic Purposes

  • Language Assessment

  • Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

  • Educational Linguistics

  • History of English Literature

  • Literary Criticism

  • Feminism in Literature

  • Postcolonial Literature

  • Literature and Media

  • Comparative Literary Studies

  • Gender and Literature

  • Race and Literature

  • Identity in Literature

  • Civilization and Literature


All manuscripts can be sent in *.docx format. If the submissions contain special symbols, phonetic transcription, or characters from languages other than English, a PDF format of the paper should also be submitted.


Submissions that fulfill the requirements will be peer reviewed for consideration of publication.

Guidelines for Authors


The Full paper has to be emailed to the following electronic address:

The article is then made anonymous, checked for plagiarism and then reviewed by two referees (related field reviewers). The reviewers’ comments are synthesized then sent to the author who must produce a revised and edited version of his/her text within 4 to 6 weeks. If accepted by the coordinator, the article is then sent to the executive committee for a last check. The executive committee gives final acceptation (or sends back to the author for minor changes, or possible rejection).





1st author, including affiliation, Country and email

2nd author, including affiliation, Country and email (if)

3rd author, including affiliation, Country and email (if)

4th author, including affiliation, Country and email (if)


 (Use Times New Roman 10 typeface for author’s Affiliation)


  • A4 format should be used

  • Between 7000 and 10000 words maximum, including notes and bibliography.

  • The text needs to be typed with Word Software 2013

  • Use Font 12, Times New Roman, Single Line spacing

  • All text paragraphs should be 1.5 line spaced

  • Double spacing should only be used before and after headings (14 font size) and subheadings (12 font size)

  • One blank line should be placed between paragraphs



  • Figure captions and table headings should be sufficient to explain the figure or table without needing to refer to the text.

  •  Figures and tables not cited in the text should not be presented. Styles Heading Table and Caption Figure are available in this template for tables and figures. The following is the example for Table 1.


Table 1 Title of Example Table

  • Tables and figures should be placed close after their first reference in the text.

  • All figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

  • Table headings should be above the tables.

  • Figure captions should be centered below the figures. Minimum figures’ resolution: 150dpi.



  • The word count of the body of the Abstract should NOT exceed 300.

  • The number of the keywords is up to 5.

  • The Abstract should contain clear sections on the following, if they apply and in accordance with the demands and academic area of your submission:

    • Purpose/Objective of your Research

    • The Model/Analytic Framework used

    • Data/Population/Textual Corpus used and studied

    • Method and Procedure of the Study

    • Conclusions and Implications



List of references must follow A.P.A. style.

For more information, please visit:

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